It’s going to be a long lockdown winter, and no matter which Tier you find yourself in, just the time to get to grips with the latest edition of the Racing Rules of Sailing.
Now, in its 10th edition, the 2021-2024 Rules in Practice has been updated for (and contains in full) the 2021-2024 Racing Rules of Sailing and features a brand new chapter on the luffing rules and how they are being applied.
The latest rule changes are also described, along with their impact on you as a sailor.
With over 20 new scenarios, reflecting the courses we now sail, it is as up-to-date and relevant as the first edition was in 1985.
Unlike other rules guides which take you through the rules in order, this book tackles the subject from the sailors’ point of view.
It takes you around the race course, from start to finish, through the key situations that occur repeatedly showing, from the point of view of each boat in turn, what you may, must, or cannot do.
And alongside the Rules in Practice we have the Racing Rules Companion . . . the invaluable pocket reference guide to the essentials of the racing rules.
Also updated for the latest 2021-2024 Racing Rules of Sailing.
Every racing sailor should have a copy!
It will build their knowledge and make them more confident on the race course.
The Racing Rules Companion summarises the basic principles, definitions and rules and then covers every aspect of the race, with sections on starts, mark rounding, obstructions, signals, and dispute resolution.
Splash-proof and spiral bound, this little companion stands up to frequent use and serves as a great aide-memoire that will fit into your pocket or kit bag.
Both books are written by the acknowledged rules expert, Bryan Willis, and have colour diagrams throughout to ensure the concepts are easily understood.
Available as physical books and eBooks, these books will be available to buy from all good bookshops, websites and direct from
Fernhurst Books . . . If you want to get wet, we have a book on it