Olympic Committee cuts sailing athlete quota for Paris 2024

World Sailing has received confirmation from the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) Executive Board, on the event programme and athlete quotas for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Offshore Doubles to represent new Olympic sailing discipline

Offshore Doubles association formed to represent the new Olympic sailing discipline of doublehanded offshore racing

World Sailing issues ‘Reminder’ to Member National Authorities

World Sailing President Kim Andersen reveals attempts to challenge the sailing programme for 2024 Olympic Games in Paris

World Sailing rolls out doublehanded offshore sailing website

World Sailing has established a dedicated section of its website to promote the new Olympic sailing event, double handed offshore sailing

French confirm Olympic Sailing Squad for 2021

France confirms Tokyo 2020 sailing selections but retains the possibility to modify the selections if necessary

Manufacturers Pitch for Olympic Keelboat qualification status

Twelve manufacturers and designers have thrown their hats in the ring, with their responses to World Sailing’s Request for Information from Manufacturers, of suitable Equipment (boats) for the Paris 2024 Olympics

World Sailing reveal the Paris 2024 Sailing Programme

Normally World Sailing feature their major interest output on their flagship website to achieve maximuim coverage. But they somehow ignored this insight into how Sailing will look at Paris 2024

Paris 2024 iQFOIL windsurfing equipment distribution plans

Following selection of the iQFOIL Class Windsurfing Equipment for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, intial distribution plans have been announced

World Sailing issues Request For Information for Olympic keelboat

World Sailing issues Request For Information for Olympic keelboat

Paris 2024 Executive Board approves the Tahiti site for surfing

The Paris 2024 Executive Board have approved the choice of Tahiti as the site for the surfing competitions, this vote ratifies the recommendation of Paris 2024

RYA looking for sailors and boat owners for new offshore Olympic event

The RYA is on the hunt for sailors and boat owners interested in the new double-handed mixed offshore event that will debut at the Paris 2024 Olympics

Finn is an Olympic class act!

The Finn class refuses to be discouraged by the results of last month’s World Sailing Conference in Bermuda . . . And they have a point