For Tom Gillard, the British dinghy master and a key member of the North Sails global One Design team, the next major regatta was and is always, literally, just around the corner.
Want proof? Having already won 37 major championships in ten separate classes in his remarkable and ongoing racing career, in mid-March, Gillard was asked what his sailing schedule looked like for 2024.
“In terms of week-long events, we’re talking six full weeks and then every weekend between now and October,” he said. “And those are all events, not training. I never train, I only race. I pretty much don’t do anything other than sail, really.”
It was Gillard’s single-minded pursuit of excellence that caught the attention of Paul Hobson, the head of the One Design squad at North Sails. When Hobson reached out to Gillard several years ago, he was working for a U.K. competitor of North Sails.
“When you’re in the business of recruiting talent, the first thing you look at is who’s out there in the marketplace,” said Hobson. “Tom was obviously very talented and you could see the potential with his sailing ability but he was a rare commodity in that he wasn’t only a world-class sailor, but also a sailmaker.”
Hobson caught Gillard at an ideal moment in his journey as a sailor.
Tom said, “Paul sent me a text message and asked me if I might be interested in coming to the south coast, to the North Sails loft in Gosport, and continuing my dream of being involved in lots of different classes, which wasn’t the case at my previous job. I wanted to sail as much possible and make great sails for all those classes.”

It proved to be a perfect fit for both parties.
Gillard started early. His father, Alan, was an accomplished sailor who had his son crewing alongside him in a Mirror dinghy at the ripe old age of 2. Gillard moved on to Toppers, 420s, and the usual youth platforms, but did not specialize in any of them. “That was always my dad’s philosophy,” he said. “The more different types of boats you sail, the broader the spectrum of sailing you can excel at.”
Although Gillard readily admits that his passion has always been about dinghy sailing. “I’ve never been on a boat with a keel, ever,” he said, smiling. “Last year I was nominated for a Yachtsman of the Year award, having never been on a yacht. It’s quite amusing to me.
“I sail single-handers and double-handers,” he continued. “I think sailing as many different boats as possible is key to being an all-rounder, which I consider myself. I think having broad experience in many classes is key to that. I would argue that I could probably jump into most boats and make them go reasonably well.”
A quick scan of the classes in which he’s won major championships confirms that statement: Fireball, Solo, Merlin Rocket, Scorpion, Graduate, Streaker . . .
Rightfully known as “the champions among us,” the North Sails One Design roster is a remarkable collection of world-class sailmakers. And as Hobson pointed out, having a deep stable of rock stars at the ready is embedded in the North Sails DNA, going right back to founder Lowell North.
Like his colleagues at North Sails, Gillard makes sure to share what he learns with his fellow competitors; raising the level of the game for all involved.
“Being in the R&D department, it’s always about taking in feedback from other people, as well as what I think,” he said. “The goal is to make the fastest sails possible. I’m always honest about my settings and helping everyone else around me.”
“I want everyone to know what I’m doing and thinking, so hopefully they can take that stuff onboard and we can go out on the racecourse and we’ll have a more level playing field for using that kit.”