Monday 12 April . . . One small step!

From Monday 12 April, England will be in Step two and the following will change or reopen under the Government’s Covid-19 Response − Spring 2021 guidance

First easing of Covid-19 Lockdown measures for England

As worldwide deaths from Covid-19 reach 2,795,325, with 126,592 of those deaths recorded in the UK, the first tentative steps back to some form of normality take place in England from Monday 29 March 2021

RYA issues Covid-19 Roadmap for return to boating activity

Handy Covid-19 Roadmap document published by the RYA clarifying their position on the return to boating activity in England

RYA explains Government Roadmap route back to Sailing

The RYA has updated its FAQs on what they believe the latest Government Roadmap means for recreational boating in England