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Winners of the 2019 RYA Youth Champion Awards

Eleven promising sailors and windsurfers from across the UK have been revealed as winners of the RYA Regional Youth Champion Awards

Live broadcasting for Weymouth Olympic Classes Europeans

This summer International competition for the Olympic 49er and Nacra 17 Classes will return to British waters and will feature live broadcasting

Flying Dutchman Worlds – Day 3 Results

The first three days of the 2019 Flying Dutchman World Championships have been completed

Going forward – Whitbread, Volvo and now officially The Ocean Race

Volvo has now formally transferred ownership of the Volvo Race to Atlant Ocean Racing Spain, led by Richard Brisius and Johan Salén

RORC Caribbean 600 start delayed for MOD 70s

Giovanni Soldini and Maserati Multi 70’s Team agree to Team Argo’s request to postpone the start of the RORC Caribbean 600 – Video here

MOD 70 Argo’s participation in RORC Caribbean 600 uncertain

MOD 70 Argo’s participation in the RORC Caribbean 600 is uncertain following the recovery from their capsize on Friday

National 18 of Peter Gray is winner of Oxford Blue Open

Peter Gray, Simon Forlbes and Rich Prpperdine in their National 18 won the Sailrace Oxford Blue Open at Oxford SC on Saturday

Capsized MOD 70 Argo recovered

Capsized MOD 70 Argo recovered – For those of you wondering and wanting a status update on prior photo…we did it.

SailGP – Five events, with winner-takes-all USD $1 million Final

The inaugural SailGP season has an innovative means of scoring that raises the stakes for the teams throughout the season before culminating in a thrilling winner-takes-all climax